Giovanni Durbiano
Giovanni Durbiano is full professor of Architectural and Urban Design at the Polytechnic University of Turin, from which he holds a Ph.D. in History of Architecture and Urban Planning. In 2017-2021, he has been president of ‘ProArch’, the Scientific Society of Italian Architectural Design professors, In the same year he founded the academic journal «Ardeth» («Architectural Design Theory»),
Among his publications: I Nuovi Maestri. Architetti tra politica e cultura nell’Italia del dopoguerra [The New Masters. Architects between politcs and culture in postwar Italy] (1999, 2020); Paesaggio e architettura nell’Italia contemporanea [Landscape and architecture in contemporary Italy] (2003); Etiche dell’intenzione. Ideologie e linguaggi dell’architettura contemporanea [Ethics of intention. Ideologies and discourses of contemporary architecture] (2014); Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti [Theory of architectural design. From drawings to outputs] (2017, with Alessandro Armando).
His works have been published in: «Casabella», «Abitare», «Costruire», «Edilizia Popolare», «Ottagono», «A&RT», «Controspazio», «Il Giornale dell’architettura», «Aion».